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Sunday, October 09, 2011

Oh yay, n levels are over. Super happy. But the happiness was ruin by mr ves. He said that everyday must go back to school to prepare for o level maths from 8 to 12.30. He say during from 10oct to 26oct can make magic. C6 can become a A2. Aiya, just go because hope I can drop next year. Haha, but unlikely. Oh ya, got an iPhone. Has been collecting dust since June. Gonna start learning how to run amp soon. Yay, finally doing my part in events. Gabriel is my mentor. He can only start mentoring me on Wednesday. He is in bitan now till Tuesday. Oh well, can't wait, but it is going to be tiring lah. Okay, that all I guess. Will update soon

Blogged @ 9:16 pm
Don't let me go -

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Back to blogging. Oh my gosh, n level start again tomorrow. Feeling nervous and excited. So, wednesday, 28sep, stop going to school and studied at home. Stupid sia, only three days study at home. Friday did four amaths paper. My brain cell died lor. Last post, I said that after n level I will start running amp, but even before n level started, I sort of run amp. Gabriel is a good mentor I guess, haha. Well, really can't wait for n level to be over. Have been waiting for this day to come. Right now I think I am ready for all paper except for amaths. Sigh, how sia amaths? Oh well, hope the paper won't be too difficult. I have not been focusing on chemistry this whole study period, but I guess I should be fine. Just don't make careless mistake can liao. Well, I will stop here

Blogged @ 2:31 pm
Don't let me go -

Friday, September 16, 2011

okay, i am back. first three paper of n level done. 3october start again. want n level to finish fast. then once n level over, i can learn how to run amp, cant wait. learning from gabriel. cant wait to start running amp. now, i want to study at home, but mummy dont let. i go school is just wasting time. worst thing, i am insomnia again. have been having somuch problem sleeping at night, in school, i just want sleep. so i should just sleep longer and then wake up and study right? oh well, now just waiting for ms tan to finish going through every chapter for physics and i will most polly stop going to school. okay, today didn't go school because of insomnia. slept like close to 3, crazy lor. oh well, hope will overcome it soon. i guess that is all for now

Blogged @ 10:48 pm
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Wow, again didn't update blog. Hmm, well, n level started already. Chinese, got no comment, just hope can pass. Today social studies, so happy good governance came out, yay. Luckily didn't study globalization, for once, it didn't come out. Teacher said every year would come out, but it didn't. Sad for those who studied that, haha. Well, English tomorrow and done for now. One month later then start again. Well, that's all for now

Blogged @ 8:34 pm
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

oh my gosh, has been dontknow how many thousands years since i updated. now got twitter, so everything justpost there, so never blog anymore. felt bad that i abandon blog, so come and update.
okay, so far things have been okay. n level in just 40plus days. still slacking here. always lazy to go school because school starts so early. still hate going to school. aiyo, just dont like going school. looking forward to leave siglap. about 1 year and 3 months left. looking forward to leaving. just now during chinese lesson talking about poly and stuff. i must work hardto get into events course in poly. going to dpa next year. well, will stop here. hope i will continue to update more often.

Blogged @ 8:24 pm
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Thursday, January 06, 2011

tow week didnt update, well christmas season was alright. friends came over, had alot of fun. then the week before new year, went out with bi. new year eve, went to far east to buy somethings with wanxin, jiaxing, yenli, darance and shawn. met bi then go marina see fireworks at that time, jiaxing and wanxin left. after watchfireworks, take mrt back to pasir to catch our movie. mrt delay because infront mrt got problem. bi also stomach not feeling well, go toilet. then wait for cab for so long lor. in the end, could not catch the movie. waited for like 1hour plus for cab. then school starts. so boring in school. first day, down with stomach flu. didnt go school yesterday. today enrichment program. so sian, tomorrow same thing, thats all for now, byes

Blogged @ 10:49 pm
Don't let me go -

Sunday, December 26, 2010

a few hours ago chirstmas ended, but i am still going to say it, MERRY CHRISTMAS. christmas eve, me, bi, wanxin, yenli and daniel went out to town, ion. walk here and there around evening time. left to watch movie at about 10. watch hello stranger. did nothing much this year bah. christmas, went to church for christmas mass. after that came home and get presents. went to my godma house. got gathering. talk to ryan the whole time i was there. left the house about 6plus. watch tv when home and also had dinner. so boring this year christmas. like dont have the christmas spirit. maybe tomorrow when at home have the christmas gathering at home. thats all bah. byes

Blogged @ 1:12 am
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Friday, December 24, 2010

i am not updating more often again, oh dear. but i am here, the week, i have been busy shopping for christmas present. been to tampinse mall for 4days in a roll already. so yesterday finish buying and wrapping the presents. so strss to think what to buy for family lor. hais but yay, i am done with it. today is christmas eve. a few more hours to itouch4 yay, so happy. i guess i will stop here, byes

Blogged @ 1:07 pm
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

hi everyone,
wow, really has been a long time since i last updated. well, the weeks have band and ballet. met bi once a week. a few week ago had section outing. was really fun. then the same again, band and ballet. recently have band camp. i guess i wasn't meant to go for this camp. on sunday night, i didnt't feel tooo well, but i didn't bother too much. monday night, i got fever, but i again didn't bother. i didn't want to go home. tuesday, i fall so many times. now go so many blue blacks on my leg. and also, my toe so swollen. wednesday, i think my body couldn't take it anymore, make me have migraine, gone lor, have to go home. but i think camp was okay bah. i miss the most fun part of the camp, bbq. but going home early was so awesome the feeling. i miss home so much. no more band practice anymore for the year. got to start my christmas shopping soon. most likely tomorrow. i guess that is all for now, bye people

Blogged @ 12:42 am
Don't let me go -

Saturday, November 27, 2010

hey all,
really long time since i last updated. so far, holidays, is either band or ballet. so boring right? recently, daddy's friend came down from australia. met up with my childhood friend. had dinner with them and so on. dont really know what to update, but i will try to update more often. i think thats about it, bye people

Blogged @ 10:56 pm
Don't let me go -


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