Sunday, October 10, 2010
hi all,
wow, has been awhile since i last updated. while the week before 4october, lesson was just last minute revision. then after school, do some revision with bi. he taught me somethings. then 4october, first day of exams, english paper1 and social studies. both paper was okay i think. but social studies i wrote the question number wrongly sia. freak out, call mummy to ask what to do. she call form teacher and form teacher help me change. big thanks.tuesday, chinese paper1 and geography. geography so hard. didn't know how to do the first question. hope can score. chinese, forgotten to bring dictionary. luckily, someone lend me. but still had a hard time finding as it was the book one. wednesday, engish and chinese paper2. chinese second comprehension was hard. chinese, when reading the passage, keep falling asleep. nearly couldn't finish the paper, but luckily, finish in time. thursday, physic. it was okay. friday, first killer paper: emaths paper1. was easier than i expected. not that is was easy, but i expected it to be very hard. so this is the first 5 days and first 8 papers of exams. three more days abnd 3 more papers. yesterday, went to bi's family bbq. was abit awkward. today, church and lunch around parkway. shopping at parkway cotten on. had snack: sashimi and then home. thats all, byes
@ 10:05 pm
Don't let me go -